EPAC Hosts a Very Successful Field Trip for EP-M1 and M1 Students!
The English Program of Assumption College held a field trip for students in M1 and EP-M1 on Friday, the 3rdof April 2015, at Rattanakosin Island in Bangkok. This Field trip was divided into a few routes because there were a lot of students from M1 and EP-M1 participating in this event. The student groups were separated into 4 routes: with our EP-M1 students and the Gifted and Talented students on the same route. We had many activities, and we visited many places, such as:
Wat Ratchanaddaram, the Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall, andthe King Prajadhipok Museum.
During these activities, students gained a lot of knowledge and experience about Dhamma Meditation, the old traditional Bangkok lifestyle, the history of Bangkok, the history of democracy in Thailand, and about showing social kindness toward others, as well.