A Busy and Productive 1st Week for Our New EP-M4 Students!
The English Program is honored and excited to welcome our new EP-M4 students to the Summer School of Assumption College!
During the first week, we had a lot of activities. Below are 2 activities which focused specifically on our EP-M4 students.
1.EP Orientation: this meeting welcomed our new students with a focus on educational and behavioral standards, and was held at the EP Conference Room on the 1st floor of the Colombet Building. The speech was delivered by Miss Ornisa Mitprasit (Head of the English Program) and Master Jaruk Changjaroen (Level Head - Head of the EP Discipline Office)

2.Territorial Defence - Military Territory Training Preparation: To prepare for testing for the Military Territory Training during semester 1/2015, the school sets aside 2 periods every week to train M4 and EP-M4 students for the upcoming testing. In this preparation all students have to do sit-ups, push-ups, and running.