Leave of Absence
Regulations enforcing student attendance are very clear and no school may deviate from them, other than in exceptional circumstances. Unauthorized absences must be reported to the EP Head Office and the Discipline Office.
Occasional absences as a result of illness/medical appointments etc. require a note of explanation from parents addressed to the EP Head Office & Discipline Office.
The following statement summarizes the conditions under which a leave of absence is permitted:
1. In case a student wishes to take business leave for 1-2 days.
A. The student must submit a letter to the EP Head Office 1 day in advance. The leave letter is addressed to: ‘Head of the English Program’.
B. On the first day back to school (before 9.00 a.m.), the student must submit the Leave and Back to Class Book (green book) with a parent’s signature to the Discipline Office.
C. After that, the student must submit the green book for the EP Discipline masters to sign before going to class.
2. In case a student wishes to take business leave for 3 or more consecutive days:
A. The student must submit a letter to the EP Head Office 1 day in advance. The leave letter is addressed to: ‘Director.’.
B. On the first day back to school (before 9.00 a.m.), the student must submit the Leave and Back to Class Book (green book) with a parent’s signature to the Discipline Office.
C. After that, the student must submit the green book for the EP Discipline masters to sign before going to class.
3. In case a student has to take sudden leave, either due to personal business or sickness:
A. The parent must call the Discipline Office to notify the school about such leave before 9.00 a.m. on the first day of the absence. The Discipline Office can be reached at 0-2630-7111-25 ext. 363 or 513.
B. On the first day back to school (before 9.oo a.m.), the student must submit the Leave and Back to Class Book (green book) with a parent’s signature to the Discipline Office. In case that the student takes a sick leave for 3 or more consecutive days, the doctor’s note or medical certificate must be attached to the green book.
C. After that, the student must submit the green book for EP Discipline masters to sign before going to class. The student then presents the medical certificate to the subject teachers whose classes were missed.
Remarks :
The Leave and Back to Class Book (green book) costs 12 baht and is sold at the AC Stationery Store.
The Discipline Office is located on the 1st Floor of the F.Hilaire Building.
The EP Discipline Masters’ room is on the 1st Floor of the Colombet Building.