News Flash! EP Results from “Charity Bowling Competition 2016”
On the Saturday, the 3rd of Sepember 2016, Assumption College organized a “Charity Bowling Competition” at the DHL Blu-O Rhythm and Bowling on the 5th floor of the Paragon Department Store. The competition was held in honor of Dr. Pichet Durongkaveroj, Minister of Science and Technology.
The Charity Bowling Competition began with a short opening ceremony which was presided over by Bro. Viriya Chanthawarodom (Superior of Assumption College) and Bro. Dechachai Sripicharn (Principal of Assumption College), who bowled to open the competition. This event had parents, teachers from the Teachers’ Association, and students joining in on the fun.
The results for EP are listed here:
Team “P-BEE” got the Runner-up prize, and the members of this team were as follows:
1. Mr. Yuanboo Shoo (Father)
2. Ms. Sompong Chaodon (Mother)
3. Mr. Apiwat Chaodon (EP-M.1/1 Student)
Team "L.P.N." (sponsored by LPN Development Co., Ltd.) got the Honorable Mention prize, and the members of this team were as follows:
1. Mr. Suppachai Techakritteeranun
2. Ms Ratchanok Wutthipongwarakorn
3. Mr. Wiwat Chantapokhai
We would like to thank all EP families for their participation in the Charity Bowling Competition and for making this day a great success!